Understand every day of your menstrual cycle
Online course to manage your menstrual cycle, find out what's normal for you, know when (and how) to get additional support and enhance your tracking / charting method.
Free on healthcare referral (social prescription) or through accredited schools and workplaces.

Designed with teens, for teens
More than a biology lesson - tips and techniques to understand your actual experience
Teenagers and young people from across the UK have helped co-design the course.
Is this course for me? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page.
Access on any device
Designed to fit in with life
The online course is 45 minutes long but divided into four bitesize chunks of 5-15 minutes each.
Come back as and when you need the support.

Recommended by GPs
We've worked alongside clinicians, educators and researchers to ensure everything we offer is clinically-backed and evidence-informed.
The course is recommended by GP surgeries across the UK and through our partner schools and workplaces.
Set up a Menstrual Cycle Support group at your school / college
Explore our top tips for setting up / facilitating a Menstrual Cycle Support group
Learn the basic rules of set up / facilitation; how to share your menstrual cycle experience with others in a safe and relatable way; and, how to put into action what you've learned in the online course for teens (for accredited schools and workplaces only).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I take this course if I have an irregular cycle?
Yes, you absolutely can take this course is you have an irregular cycle - we provide tips along the way to support you.
An irregular period is when the gap between periods is regularly shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days (NHS - Irregular periods).
It's very common to have an irregular period in the first few years as you get into a regular rhythm. (If your cycle is still often irregular at least 2 years after starting your periods, it's a good idea to get this investigated by a GP or nurse - a cycle with a regular pattern and manageable symptoms is an indicator of good health).
I haven't started my period yet, is this course for me?
Yes, the course is designed to support you and we provide tips for you throughout.
Check out the NHS page on Starting Periods if you'd like more information.
I'm on hormonal contraception, can I still take this course?
Yes you can and we provide supportive tips throughout.
Most hormonal contraception stops you ovulating and replaces your normal menstrual cycle hormones with synthetic hormones to prevent pregnancy (and sometimes it is prescribed for other menstrual symptoms).
If you are on a combined oral contraceptive pill you may have a 'breakthrough bleed'. If you are on other methods of contraception e.g. IUD, Mirena Coil, implant, patches, progestogen only pill, depo injection - you may have irregular and/or very light or absent bleeds.
PLEASE NOTE: Hormonal contraception will affect your experience of your cycle. If you start taking hormonal contraception, keep an eye out for changes in your body and mood. Speak to someone (parent / carer / friend / teacher / GP) if you feel your mood has been considerably affected or you just don't feel yourself when taking it.
Have a look at our tips if you are worried about anything.
I'm under 13, why can't I do this course?
We appreciate that many people start their periods (or want to know what to expect) earlier than 13 years old.
Our Menstrual Cycle Support course for teens, however, is designed for children aged 13 years and older. This is because, by law, children must be at least 13-years-old to provide consent for an information society service (ISS) to process their personal data.
Parents must provide consent if the child is under 13 (Information Commissioner’s Office, 2021b).
An ISS is an online service that is typically commercial and provided on request, for example social media platforms, apps, connected toys and devices, and search engines (Information Commissioner’s Office, 2021c).
Menstrual Cycle Support and our courses are classed, by law, as an ISS.
We sincerely hope to develop a resource for those under 13 years in the near future.
I already use a period tracking app - why do I need this course?
The course teaches a simple technique that we call 'Inner Tracking' - a mindfulness-based practice that young people we have worked with have said greatly enhances their use of their period tracking app.
This course also recommends other forms of charting and tracking - you may find that you'd like to continue using your period tracking app but also start using another method along side it; or you might decide that another method - away from the phone - actually suits you better - we believe in empowering you with choice.
FAQs continued...
I don't identify as a girl or woman, is this course for me?
Yes - the course is designed for anyone with a menstrual cycle experience (and those about to start their periods).
We recognise that not everyone with a menstrual cycle identifies as a girl / woman.
We do not use any gendered terms in the course.
We are constantly learning about the experiences of our participants and are committed to continuously evolving our content to be as inclusive as possible.
If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
Read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity.
I'm trans, is this course for me?
Yes - the course is designed for anyone with a menstrual cycle experience (and those about to start their periods).
We recognise that not everyone with a menstrual cycle identifies as a girl / woman.
We do not use any gendered terms in the course.
The course supports you to manage and record changes in your body and notice how you feel. It is also helpful for tracking side effects of medication.
We are constantly learning about the experiences of our participants and are committed to continuously evolving our content to be as inclusive as possible.
If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
Read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity.
For more information about the experiences of the trans community and menstruation: Trans Hub - Menstruation
I'm non-binary, is this course for me?
Yes - the course is designed for anyone with a menstrual cycle experience (and those about to start their periods).
We recognise that not everyone with a menstrual cycle identifies as a girl / woman.
We do not use any gendered terms in the course.
We are constantly learning about the experiences of our participants and are committed to continuously evolving our content to be as inclusive as possible.
If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
Read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity.
For more information: Health Hub - What's it like to have a period as a non-binary person
I'm from a faith-based community, is this course for me?
Yes - the course is designed for anyone with a menstrual cycle experience (and those about to start their periods).
We recognise that if you are from a faith community, you may have your own approach to menstruation or the menstrual cycle, for example during prayers or Ramadan for Muslims or practices around niddah for Orthodox Jews.
We respect people of all faiths and your personal practice. We hope the course is supportive for you as it teaches self-management techniques that can accompany your current practice.
We are constantly learning about the experiences of our participants and are committed to continuously evolving our content to be as inclusive as possible.
If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
Read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity.
I have a learning or other disability, is this course suitable for me?
We recommend that if you have a learning or other disability you may need to ask someone to support you to take the course.
We have made the course available on 'social prescription' this means that someone in your GP surgery can support you or you can ask the mental health or medical team at school /college / work to help.
If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
We are committed to continuously evolving the course to ensure universal access and we want to ensure that, in the future, the course is even more accessible.If you have a specific need or feedback, please contact info@menstrualcycelsupport.com
We are working towards the goals that we have set ourselves following our audits by the National Autistic Society, British Dyslexia Association, Purple (charity for inclusivity) and feedback from our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity consultants.
Read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity.
In partnership with...
We've been able to develop this course through a partnership with the UK's leading menstrual health charity, Endometriosis UK.
We've also worked with Founding Partner Schools from across the UK who have enabled their students to take part in the co-design of the course.