Equality Diversity Inclusivity
We believe that universal menstrual literacy can ease global menstrual suffering for the benefit of all
As an organisation, we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusivity.
All those who are suffering with (or without) a menstrual cycle are welcome to our website and to participate in the course: people of every ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation and gender/ trans/non-binary.
The Menstrual Cycle Support course can be taken alongside medications, including hormonal contraception and SSRIs (anti-depressants).
The course can be beneficial to those with absent periods (amenorrhea) and for those who are in peri/menopause or who have undergone chemical/surgical menopause. Further supportive notes are provided in each module.
‘Normal’ is subjective
The Menstrual Cycle Support Course uses and defines an ‘archetypal menstrual cycle’ only as a guideline for participants to discover their own patterns. Each module clarifies that everyone’s cycle is unique and one of the objectives of the course is for the participant to discover what is ‘normal’ for their own Cycle.
Actively engaged in Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity
We are continuously evolving the Menstrual Cycle Support website and course (launched October 2022) to be engaging and effective for anyone suffering with their menstrual cycle and we are actively developing the Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity of our organisation.
Neelam Heera, CEO of Cysters charity and campaigner for menstrual health in and marginalised communities is our Equality Diversity and Inclusivity consultant for our course for adults. Humie Webb, is our EDI consultant for the course for teens.
We are working to ensure that all images and videos depict all types of diversity, ethnicity, ability, gender and sexual orientation.
We are currently working with reviewers at the British Dyslexia Association and National Autistic Society and are seeking to improve access and content inclusivity.
Menstrual Cycle Support web platform has been awarded the Period Positive Trained and Tested Charter, fulfilling all criteria, including in aspects related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity.
Economic inequalities
We hope to have addressed economic inequalities by making the course available for free.
Digital inequalities
We hope to have addressed digital inequalities by ensuring the course is available on all devices, including smart phones. By enabling schools / colleges / workplaces / surgeries to provide course, participants are able to utilise their place of education / work computer / internet access. The course is also available to download and print.
We are committed to evolving the course for universal access. We recognise that this is a journey and recommend that those with a learning or other disability may need support to take the course. We value the role of social prescribers (link workers) in surgeries, pharmacies, schools / colleges and places of work. Please also read our Accessibility statement.
Translating content for universal menstrual literacy
We’re translating our content in phases so that it is inclusive of the languages spoken (initially in the UK) by those seeking menstrual cycle support.
Phase One includes translating:
- materials (posters/leaflets) for GP surgeries in England and Wales
- Introduction page on website to Menstrual Cycle Support and course
- Key parts of the Menstrual Cycle Support Course
- Subtitles on the Course videos
Phase Two includes translating the entire course, including sign in
Phase Three includes translating the entire website
Let us know what you need
We’re learning as we go. Please contact info@menstrualcyclesupport.com if you have a specific need.