Questionnaire 1: Making a difference

  1. Age?

    {{ error.$message }}
  2. Region in the UK?

    {{ error.$message }}
  3. Ethnicity?

    {{ error.$message }}
    {{ error.$message }}
  4. Pronouns

    {{ error.$message }}
  5. What’s your relationship with your menstrual cycle?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Extremely negative relationship - Extremely positive relationship

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

  6. How confident are you about talking about the menstrual cycle in healthcare appointments?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Extremely negative - Extremely positive

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

  7. Please write down one or two concerns or problems which you would most like support with

    {{ error.$message }}
    {{ error.$message }}

    Please select a number to show how severe each concern or problem is now:

    This should be YOUR opinion, no-one else's!

    Concern or problem 1:

    {{ error.$message }}

    Not bothering me at all - Bothers me greatly

    Not bothering me at all = 0
    Bothers me greatly = 6

    Concern or problem 2:

    {{ error.$message }}

    Not bothering me at all - Bothers me greatly

    Not bothering me at all = 0
    Bothers me greatly = 6

  8. Wellbeing:

    How would you rate your general feeling of wellbeing now? (How do you feel in yourself?)

    {{ error.$message }}

    As good as it could be - as bad as it could be

    As good as it could be = 0
    As bad as it could be = 6

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Please close this tab to return to the course and MARK AS COMPLETE.

{{ response.message }}