Questionnaire 2 – Making a difference

  1. What day of your menstrual cycle are you?

    {{ error.$message }}
  2. What phase are you in?

    {{ error.$message }}
  3. Do you track your menstrual cycle?

    {{ error.$message }}
  4. How do you track your menstrual cycle? e.g. app / pen and paper / calendar. Please give details, below, including the name of your app, if that's what you us.

    {{ error.$message }}
  5. What’s your relationship with your menstrual cycle?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Extremely negative relationship - Extremely positive relationship

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

  6. How confident are you about talking about the menstrual cycle in healthcare appointments?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Extremely negative - Extremely positive

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

  7. Look at the concerns that you wrote down last time:

    Now select a number below to show how severe each of those concerns or problems is now:

    Concern or problem 1:

    {{ error.$message }}

    Not bothering me at all - Bothers me greatly

    Not bothering me at all = 0
    Bothers me greatly = 6

    Concern or problem 2:

    {{ error.$message }}

    Not bothering me at all - Bothers me greatly

    Not bothering me at all = 0
    Bothers me greatly = 6

  8. Wellbeing:

    How would you rate your general feeling of wellbeing now? (How do you feel in yourself?)

    {{ error.$message }}

    As good as it could be - as bad as it could be

    As good as it could be = 0
    As bad as it could be = 6

  9. Other things affecting your health

    The support that you have received here may not be the only thing affecting your concern or problem. If there is anything else which you think is important, such as changes which you have made yourself, or other things happening in your life, please write it here.

    {{ error.$message }}
  10. What has been most important for you?

    Reflecting on the course what were the most important aspects for you?

    {{ error.$message }}
  11. How long did it take you to complete the course?

    {{ error.$message }}
  12. How supportive do you believe the course to be?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Not at all supportive - Extremely supportive

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

  13. To what extent did you find the course easy to understand?

    {{ error.$message }}

    Extremely difficult to understand - Extremely easy to understand

    Extremely negative = 0
    Extremely positive = 6

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Please close this tab to return to the course and MARK AS COMPLETE.

{{ response.message }}