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CPD accredited course for staff


I’d like to see it in every surgery in England and across the UK

Dr Michael Dixon, GP, Chairman of Social Prescribing Institute, and Chair of the College of Medicine

Having a wide range of high quality referral options is key so we are thrilled to now be able to offer menstrual support through social prescribing.

Hayley Burgoyne, Head of Social Prescribing, St Austell Healthcare

This free course is badly needed, especially at this time when there is such a strain on finances. It’s reassuring that GPs can refer to a support course, other than just giving prescription drugs

Zoe, patient

What I just learned in the 45 minutes of the Menstrual Cycle Support course was exactly what I needed and I feel so hopeful that I will be able to cope with my up and down feelings & pain so much better.

Kirsty, participant

Supporting patients to produce a clear cycle diary can inform patients sufficiently to manage their problems themselves... Documentation can lead clinicians to an earlier diagnosis or a more effective management plan. This would help both the health system and women.

I think that menstrual cycle awareness on social prescription has the potential to be a great asset, advancing the lives of patients and the work of healthcare professionals

National Women's Health Specialist and Executive Director of Primary Care Women's Health Forum (PCWHF), Dr Sarah Gray

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