Become an Accredited school / college
Support your student, staff and parents with a menstrual cycle - our low-barrier-to-entry Accreditation provides you with easy-to-access 12 months of services to help enhance menstrual health literacy within your school, destigmatise the menstrual cycle, empower staff and students to advocate for their own needs (and alleviate a lifetime of suffering) and support school Attendance, Behavioural, Medical Needs and Safeguarding policies PLUS you can celebrate your commitment with our Menstrual Cycle Support Accreditation Stamp.
Contact to arrange a call today.
Become an Accredited workplace
Support your staff: our low-barrier-to-entry Accreditation provides you with easy-to-access 12 months of CPD certified services to help enhance menstrual health literacy in your workplace, destigmatise the menstrual cycle, empower staff to advocate for their own needs (and alleviate menstrual suffering) and support workplace HR and EDI policies PLUS you can celebrate your commitment with our Menstrual Cycle Support Accreditation Stamp.
Contact to arrange a call today.